The Youth Coordination Group commits itself to:
• keep a “routine” link among CA youth in the various countries;
• encourage CA youth participation in the life of the universal and continental Church
• support the participation of youth in all IFCA initiatives
• promote activities for and with young people
Responsible 2021-2026: Emanuela Gitto and Lorenzo Zardi (CA Italy)
SVYO: Supporting Volunteers in Youth Organisations (Erasmus+)
Output training seminar. Malta, 24-26 November 2023

IFCA YOUTH Coordination in WYD
Lisbon, August 1-6, 2023

Papa Francesco ai giovani dell’Azione Cattolica Italiana
Aula Paolo VI, 29 ottobre 2022

Assisi: The Economy of Francesco
22-24 September 2022 CA Italy, CA Argentina and Zak Malta: Day-by-day chronicle

Black Sea Agora Meeting
Online – Tuesday, 13 September 2022 video, documents, photos

Pier Giorgio Frassati 4 luglio 2022
AC Italia, AC Romania, AC Malta

SVYO: Project Coordination Team meeting
Madrid, Spain 18-19 March 2022

Youth Coordination: Let us pray together and share our commitment in this time of pandemic
Saturday, 3 July 2021 ON LINE On the vigil of the Feast of Blessed Pier Giorgio (4 July 1925-2021) Documents and video

After the Economy of Francis /2
Online 12 June 2021 Program and video by H.E. Msgr. Domenico Sorrentino

Supporting Volunteers in Youth Organizations – Erasmus+
Kick-off meeting – 6th March 2021 ●Program with available documents

MEETING AFTER “the Economy of Francesco”
Online Friday 12th February 2021 Documents available

With a synodal youth… There is hope!
10.12.2020 From Panama to Lisbon (18-21 November 2020 online). The experience of Fran Ramirez, Youth Responsible ACG (Acción Católica General) Spain

Carlo Acutis: the courage to be young
27.10.2020 The reflection of Catholic Action young people
You are the “now” of God
Catholic Action’s young people in the light of Christus Vivit with all young people
PRAYER – MEETING – MUSIC , August 6 2020
●video, texts of the interventions
PRAYER – MEETING – MUSIC , August 6 2020
●video, texts of the interventions

Youth in the light of Christus Vivit
Publication edited by IFCA Youth Coordination

Youth Coordination: Easter Corner
●35^ WYD ●Holy Week 2020

Youth Exchange and Pastoral Service for our Church, through friendship ●summer and winter 2019
(with narrative report and photogallery)
(with narrative report and photogallery)

Auguri a Tommaso Sereni!
Nominato come rappresentante FIAC, Italia dell’Organismo consultivo internazionale dei giovani 24.11.2019

Youth of Black Sea Agora
Odessa (Ukraine) 23-27 October 2019•Photogallery •Press review

Seeking ways to develop our Youth Work
10-13 October 2019, Rome

Michele Tridente nel CN Giovani del Governo italiano
28 settembre 2019

OWLS 2018-2019
Opportunities+Willingness+Learning=Success. Italy, Malta, Romania (five Meetings)

Erasmus+ OWLS 5
20 -23 August 2019, Iasi-Romania
Videos – Photos – Diary
Videos – Photos – Diary

Youth Exchange and pastoral service for our Church, through friendship

ERASMUS Associativo ACI in collaborazione con il FIAC
Per i giovani di Ac che studiano o lavorano in un Paese europeo diverso dal proprio

Appointment with Pier Giorgio
On the 4th July 2019

After #youthforum19 •Catholic Action Reports
Tommaso Sereni (Coordinamento Giovani FIAC); Eduardo Martin (YICS); Raluca Cocut (CA Romania); Franziska Grech (CA Malta)

XI Forum Internazionale dei giovani
Roma, 19-22 giugno 2019 – “Giovani in azione in una Chiesa sinodale” •photogallery •Catholic Action Reports

Progetto OWLS: uno scambio tra giovani di AC, nel segno dell’Europa
AC Italia, maggio 2019

AC Italia: Giovani e studenti con Greta
Roma, 19 aprile – Fridays For Future di Roma

ACG España: Responsable del sector de jóvenes participa en TRECE (video)
Fran Ramirez comenta en TRECE la última exhortación apostólica del Papa Francisco.

Christus Vivit: You are the now of God
First comment by Luisa Alfarano and Michele Tridente
Responsibles of IFCA Youth Coordination
Responsibles of IFCA Youth Coordination

WYD JMJ GMG Panama 2019
Dossier, diario, foto… Jorge Arrieta – Emanuela Gitto – Fran Ramirez

34th WYD Panama 2019
January 22 to 27, 2019

WYD Panama 2019: 9 stages to walk together
Catholic Action Young People “courageous” with Mary

SYNOD 2018: diary and faces
Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment
•Walking with the Synod/1 and 2
•Walking with the Synod/1 and 2

2018 – Let us celebrate together the solemnity of All Saints’ Day!

Walking with the Synod/2
25th October – Rome, Via della Conciliazione 1 – at 19.00

ACG España: Vigilias de oración por el Sínodo de los jóvenes
Octubre de 2018

I giovani del FIAC si preparano al Sinodo
Roma, agosto 2018

Caro Pier Giorgio,…
4 luglio 2018

AC Italia (diocesi di Alba): “Invita il tuo Vescovo!”
14 aprile 2018 – Incontro con il Vescovo Mons. Marco Brunetti

ZAK Malta: “Invite your Bishop!”
Two meetings with Mons. Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna

Credible, joyful and transparent. The final pre-Synod document
The face of a young Church
by *Luisa Alfarano*
by *Luisa Alfarano*

A Church with a young face
Pre-Synodal Diary and videos. Final Document

Avviciniamo i giovani a Gesù in Terra Santa
Verso il Sinodo 2018

proposal of the Youth Coordination towards the Synod 2018 also in Chinese Arabic Swahili Albanian Rumanian

IFCA Youth Coordination for the years 2017-2021
Rome, 11 November 2017

Incontro dei giovani di Azione Cattolica con il Beato Pier Giorgio Frassati
Cracovia, 26 luglio 2016 – h. 13.00-16.00
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