Appointment with Pier Giorgio

On the 4th July 2019

Flyer  —– Prayer 

We entrust young people’s commitment after the Synod to the intercession of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati with Christus vivit!

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati «was a young man filled with a joy that swept everything along with it, a joy that also overcame many difficulties in his life”.  He said he wanted to repay the love of Jesus he received in Communion by visiting and helping the poor. CV60

On the 4th July, the day of the liturgical memorial of Blessed Pier Giorgio, young Catholic Action members in Italy and around the world are being asked to INVITE other young people to a Eucharistic Celebration, to be organized at diocesan or parish level, in University Chapels or on mountains.

Young CA members and the Youth Ministry Team of the diocese of Turin have a long tradition with this appointment on the day when Pier Giorgio returned to the house of the Father on the 4th July 1925. The same can be said of many diocesan CA groups in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta and in other regions as well as of CA groups in other countries.

*We would like to invite you to promote this event and, on the 4th July, to help in animating this Eucharistic celebration with which we want to renew our commitment, together with all the Christian community, to journey on with all our young fellow travellers, as Christus Vivit urges us to do.

As in the miracle of Jesus, the bread and the fish provided by young people can multiply (cf. Jn 6:4-13). As in the parable, the small seeds sown by young people can yield a rich harvest (cf. Mt 13:23.31-32). All of this has its living source in the Eucharist, in which our bread and our wine are transformed to grant us eternal Life. Young people face immense and difficult challenges. With faith in the Risen Lord, they can confront them with creativity and hope, ever ready to be of service, like the servants at the wedding feast, who unknowingly cooperated in Jesus’ first miracle. They did nothing more than follow the order of his Mother: “Do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:5). Mercy, creativity and hope make life grow. CV173

We know that we can count on Blessed Pier Giorgio, included by Pope Francis in a list of young saints: precious reflections of the young Christ who stimulate us and awaken us from our lethargy. CV49. … together with so many young people who, often in silence and hiddenness, have lived the Gospel to the full, intercede for the Church, so that it may be full of joyous, courageous and committed young people who can offer the world new testimonies of holiness. CV63

We know Pier Giorgio and would like to make him known: he lived the joy of his friendship with the Lord and with his peers deeply. Ever since the first WYD in 1985 he has become the friend of all the young people of the world. He is the young man of the eight beatitudes.

We hope that this year, this initiative will involve more dioceses in Italy and in the world with the participation of young people and of “all the people of God, Pastors and faithful alike, since all of us are challenged and urged to reflect on the young and for the young” CV3

All those who promote this Eucharistic celebration outside the diocese of Turin should inform and request an authorization from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments. We are available for more information and for a facsimile of the communication. We look forward to your message on



On the 4th July 2019