You are the “now” of God Catholic Action’s young people in the light of Christus Vivit with all young people
PRAYER – MEETING – MUSIC , August 6 2020
●video, texts of the interventions
PRAYER – MEETING – MUSIC , August 6 2020
●video, texts of the interventions

Online for1h ●15.30 Argentine ●18.30 Senegal ●20.30 Italy, Burundi, Spain, Malta ●21.30 Romania, Holy Land ●2.30 Philippines.
200 participants connected from 30 countries (EUROPE Albania, Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Romania, Spain, Sweden AMERICA Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela AFRICA Burundi, Kenya, Dem. Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe ASIA Philippines, India, Malaysia, Palestine).
During the meeting the booklet “Youth in the light of Christus Vivit“ by the IFCA Youth Coordination was presented with a ppt prepared by the authors of the booklet: Fran Ramirez ACG Spain, Jorge Arrieta AC Argentina with Marija Cachia AK Malta and Emanuela Gitto CA Italy, on behalf of many others who collaborated.
Three musical moments also contributed to the success of the meeting, entrusted to an Argentinean young MATIAS CERINI and two Spanish young people PAULA GAETA and JAVI RAMOS.
20.30 Introduction Rafael CORSO
Presentation Luisa ALFARANO and Michele Michele TRIDENTE with greetings to participants by country
20.40 Prayer prepared by don Reuben GAUCI (AC Malta) don Gianluca ZURRA (AC Italy)
20.50 Live Song (Argentina) MATIAS CERINI
20.55 Testimony of Bishop Eduardo GARCIA, Bishop of San Justo, Ecclesiastical Assistant CA Argentina and IFCA
Video Gioele ANNI – text
Video Tommaso SERENI – text
21.05 Song Spain: PAULA GAETA
– Initial video
-Marija CACHIA (AC MALTA) “Document on Christus Vivit”…made by young people for young people
-Jorge ARRIETA /AC ARGENTINA): “Young people in the light of ChV”, a document of formation for the mission of CA young people
-Emanuela GITTO (AC ITALY): Frassati a witness for young people
-Fran RAMIREZ (ACG SPAIN): How to use this booklet?
21.30 Song Africa
21.35 final greeting by Luisa and Michele – next steps
Final song Spain JAVI RAMOS
- wps_subtitle:
- Catholic Action’s young people in the light of Christus Vivit with all young people
PRAYER - MEETING - MUSIC , August 6 2020
●video, texts of the interventions - pl_view_post:
- 1516