INVITE YOUR BISHOP! proposal of the Youth Coordination towards the Synod 2018 also in Chinese Arabic Swahili Albanian Rumanian

EXPERIENCES: • ZAK Malta • AC Italia: diocesi di Alba •
Starting from Advent 2017, IFCA Youth Coordination launches the initiative “Invite your Bishop!”, a concrete and simple way to prepare to the Synod.
We would like the groups of Catholic Action youths all over the world to find opportunities to meet their shepherds, in order to know each other, to exchange their ideas and to bring the dreams, the fears, the experiences and the points of view of all young people into the life of our local Churches, let us take the first step so that our bishops can better know us as well as so many of our contemporaries who are far from faith and who do not recognize themselves in any ecclesial path.
Let us make space for creativity while thinking of these opportunities: we can invite our bishops to a meeting or to an activity of the parish group, but also to an aperitif or to a cultural or a sporting moment or to a youth gathering place outside the walls of the parish.
What is important is the goal.
As CA youths, together with our assistants, we feel sure that the Synod, as Pope Francis underlined in his letter of last January 13 (Make your voice be heard, let it resonate in communities and let it be heard by your shepherds of souls), will encourage the Bishops to listen to the young people: we would like to be among those who help to connect, to put together and to give rise to experiences of encounter and dialogue between young people and our bishops.
So it only remains to wish you… Invite your bishop!
And we will put into circulation all the experiences that we are going to live from Advent up to the Synod!
Michele, Luisa and Rev. Tony
Responsible the Youth Coordination
Arabic – Chinese – Swahili – Albanian– Rumanian
Logo © Paul Marincean - AC Oradea, Romania
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- proposal of the Youth Coordination towards the Synod 2018 also in Chinese Arabic Swahili Albanian Rumanian
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