The Association must restate, in a faithful, firm and original way, the primary importance of prayer, of the daily struggle to be faithful to one’s Baptismal consecration, to chastity according to one’s own state of life, to an availability to virginal consecration and to a service to one’s brethren for those who are called, to the giving of testimony through one’s private and public life in the different and very often difficult everyday life situations. In short, we could say that: the Italian Catholic Action should be a school of sanctity, following the track of so many men and women, young people and children, who, in the programme «prayer, action and sacrifice» , have found the way as to how they could be generously and even heroically faithful to the Lord. (Paul VI, 25 April 1977)
You have come to Rome in the spiritual company of your numerous Saints, Blessed, Venerable and Servants of God: men and women, young people and children, educators and priest assistants, rich in Christian virtues, who have grown up in the ranks of Catholic Action which is celebrating its 140th anniversary in these days. The magnificent crown of faces that symbolically embraces St Peter’s Square is a tangible witness of a holiness rich in light and love. These witnesses, who followed Jesus with all their strength, who spared no efforts for the Church and for the Kingdom of God, represent your most authentic identity card. Is it not still possible today for you boys and girls, young people and adults, to make your life a witness of communion with the Lord that is transformed into a genuine masterpiece of holiness? Is this not your Association’s purpose? (Benedict XVI, 4 May 2008)
- When different CA Associations met on the occasion of the setting up of IFCA, they discovered that they had a common patrimony of which their witnesses were the most shining expression. Some of these have been declared saints, blessed and venerable by the Church. The majority of them form part of that multitude of lay people who have led an exemplary Christian life thanks also to their experience in CA.
- As from 2008, this consideration has led to a gradual development of an idea to set up a foundation which, while appreciating the many witnesses, supports CA’s proposal that even today it is called to be a school of sanctity for adults, youth and children in the different contexts. The first Assembly of the “Pius XI” Catholic Action Foundation School of Sanctity was held in Rome in February 2014.
International Symposium •Rome, 5-9 February 2020
THE PEDAGOGY OF SANCTITY. A universal challenge for lay faithful •documents available •photogallery day by day
• Azione cattolica scuola di santità. Ave, 2014 (PDF)
• Inserto aggiornato (febbraio 2020 PDF)
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