Black Sea Agora Meeting

Online – Tuesday, 13 September 2022 video, documents, photos

On 13 September at 9 p.m. (Ukraine time), 8 p.m. (Italy time) we met for a moment of prayer, reflection, sharing, friendship.
This appointment is put in continuity with the, 
Black Sea Agora, an initiative that has involved mainly young people since 2014, the last time in Odessa in October 2019, then the covid, then the Russian aggression with the martyrdom of the Ukrainian people.

Participating countries
AFRICA Burundi, Rwanda, Senegal ASIA Myanmar, Holy Land AMERICA Argentina, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela EUROPE Albania, Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy, Malta, United Kingdom, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine.

The objectives: to pray together, to reflect together, to share the different experiences of these months.

We thank His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuck – Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, for his willingness to participate with a speech.

The date is significant on the vigil of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross (Byzantine rite), the Exaltation of the Cross (Latin rite).

PROGRAM Welcome (ESRafael Corso Coordinator of IFCA Secretariat

Opening prayer
H.E. Msgr. Eduardo H. GARCIA (ES)Ecclesiastic Assistant of IFCA

Address by His Beatitude Svjatoslav Ševčuk  (IT) Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halych (Ukraine)

Testimony from the countries
Volodymyr Malchyn (IT), Head of the Communication Office of the Curia of the Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halych (Ukraine)

Adriana Mardare, vice-president Adults ACRO (Romania)

Olena Penjazeva: from Odessa to Oradea in Romania, currently in Canada

Mihai Balan  (and RO) Parish Priest “Providenţa Divină”, Chişinău (Republic of Moldova)

Prayer and conclusions 

Final Prayer
“God of all time, may this calendar remind us that every day and every season are created by you. May this calendar invite us to celebrate the feasts and seasons of the new Church year with color, story, symbol, and song. As we celebrate the new Church year, open our minds and our hearts to learn more about you, about your Son, Jesus, and about Mary our Mother and all the saints who walked in your way. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. ”

Comunicato stampa

Press release
Vatican News
Agenzia Sir 13.914.9

CCEE: Il 14 settembre, l’adorazione eucaristica in ogni Chiesa d’Europa
In ginocchio davanti all’Eucaristia per invocare la pace

Online meetings for peace in Ukraine

Monday 23rd May 2022
Sunday 27th March 2022
Sunday 27 February 

Online - Tuesday, 13 September 2022 video, documents, photos