Messages and Wishes

Happy Easter

by the Secretariat of the International Forum of Catholic Action

Via Lucis – Via Pacis. An invitation to prayer and reflection for Easter Season

Eight stages contemplating the mystery of the Resurrection following the steps of the women, the apostles with Mary, the disciples of Jesus “from the eighth day on a journey with the Risen Lord”.

19 March 2024 Solemnity of Saint Joseph, patron of the universal Church and also of IFCA

11th anniversary of the beginning of the pontificate of Pope Francis

Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio is beatified

Pope Francis’ words at the Angelus to remember the Blessed, vespers, beatification, mass of thanksgiving

16.12.2023: Beatification of Card. Eduardo Francisco Pironio

Santuario and Basílica Nuestra Señora de Luján (Argentina)

Testimonianze – Testimonios – Testimonies

Card. Eduardo Francisco Pironio

Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio will be beatified

Cardinal Eduardo was a generous, attentive and synodal pastor for Catholic Action Argentina and the International Forum of Catholic Action (FIAC).

Invito alla preghiera ecumenica con Together

Raduno del popolo di Dio. Roma, 30 settembre 2023

Conversatorio Sínodo internacional de la Iglesia. ¿Cambiará algo en la Iglesia?

Online, 18 de septiembre 2023. Eva Fernández Mateo entre los expositores

Synodality and Women

3 webinars in September 2023 Eva Fernández Mateo among the participants on 14 September at 9 a.m.

Il Card. Salvatore De Giorgi festeggia 70 anni di sacerdozio

Auguri al Presidente onorario della Fondazione Azione Cattolica scuola di santità Pio XI!

Second Plenary Assembly of the Dicastery for Laity Family and Life

Emilio Inzaurraga and Claudia Carbajal de Inzaurraga, consultants of the. DLFV representing the FIAC are participating in the II Plenary Assembly of the Dicastery (20-22 April 2023) •Photos

Charis: Agenda 2033 (video)

Participación de Eva Fernández Mateo

Happy Easter 2023

in a wounded world, in a synodal Church

Dear Pope Francis since 2013 we are walking with you and praying for you

13-19 March 2013-2023. Letter and photo brochure

Donne di Azione Cattolica

8 marzo 2023. Giornata internazionale della donna.

Pastori e fedeli laici chiamati a camminare insieme

Lucio Turra ha rappresentato il Fiac al convegno promosso dal DLFV. Roma 16-18 febbraio 2023

First meeting in Rome of the 2023-2026 Secretariat

Eva Fernández Mateo IFCA Secretariat Coordinator

Christmas 2022 – 1 January 2023

Best wishes from the IFCA Secretariat

CCEE: Il 14 settembre, l’adorazione eucaristica in ogni Chiesa d’Europa

In ginocchio davanti all’Eucaristia per invocare la pace

Synod: online courses 2022

Free. Starting on 4 July

Laudato si’ Week 2022

May 22-29, 2022
AC Argentina AC Italia AC Mexico

Via Lucis. Invitation to prayer at Easter season

Via Pacis – on the road with many countries in conflict videoclip

CA Italy: Armida Barelli Blessed

Duomo of Milan, 30 April 2022. IFCA participation

Good Friday Collection Holy Land

15th April 2022In parish and diocese: a commitment for everyone, a commitment for Catholic Action

Friday 25 March 2022, Annunciation of the Lord.

Let us accept the invitation of Pope Francis


Every day One Minute for Peace in Ukraine

A great joy! The Pope has declared Card. Eduardo F. Pironio venerable

18 February 2022
Reflections by Rafael Corso (Coordinator of the IFCA Secretariat) and by Beatriz Buzzetti Thomson (Vice-postulator)

8 February 2022 – Feast of St Josephine Bakhita

Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking
The power of care. Women, economy, human trafficking Live streaming

Verso il X Incontro Mondiale delle Famiglie

22-26 giugno 2022
Anno Famiglia Amoris Laetitia 2021-2022

Apostles today

Pope meets with members of Catholic Action France 13.01.2022

For a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission

Catholic Action a “gymnasium” of synodality •Comment by Giuseppe Notarstefano for the opening of the Synod

With prayer, close to Pope Francis

All CA members around the world pray for the Holy Father

Peace Day for the East

Sunday 27 June 2021

Close to the Catholic Action of Myanmar

Appeal to remain united in prayer

Happy Easter 2021

with video message from Rafael Corso (Coordinator of the FIAC Secretariat), close to the CA of Myanmar

Il viaggio profetico di Papa Francesco

di Samar Messayehcittadina irachena, vive in Italia

Pope Francis on pilgrimage in the Church of the Martyrs

Apostolic Journey to Iraq (5-8 March 2021)

February 4 – UN World Day for Human Fraternity

Our commitment every day of the year

An Economy without Human Trafficking

Video Message of Pope Francis 8 February 2021 – Feast of St Josephine Bakhita
Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking

Preghiamo per Mons. Florentin Crihalmeanu che è tornato alla casa del Padre

15.01.2021 AC Romania: Un pastore vicino ai laici e ai giovani ●Ricordo del Fiac

Wishes for fraternity and peace!

28.12.2020 Christmas 2020 – 1st January 2021

Centenario della nascita del cardinale Pironio

04.12.2020 •Intervista a Silvia Correale, Vice Presidente ​della Fondazione Pio XI •AICA •Iniziative online Roma-Argentina

«Fratelli tutti»

IFCA thanks Pope Francis for the new encyclical on fraternity and social friendship


Our language skills at the service of the International Forum of Catholic Action

14 maggio 2020

​le AC partecipano ●CA are participating

Entrevista a Mons. Eduardo H. García

Vivir el Evangelio y el Espíritu en la Iglesia

Season of Easter – Via Lucis

Eight stages contemplating the mystery of the Resurrection following the steps of the women, the apostles with Mary, the disciples of Jesus “from the eighth day on a journey with the Risen Lord”.

Bishop Salvator Niciteretse

Ordination is going to be held on Saturday 18th of April

Happy Easter 2020!

with a video from Rafael Corso, coordinator of IFCA secretariat

Youth Coordination: Easter Corner

●35^ WYD ●Holy Week 2020

Messaggio a tutte le comunità buddiste del mondo

“Buddisti e cristiani: Costruiamo una cultura di compassione e fraternità” 

Orientations on Water, symbol of the cry of the poor and the cry of the Earth

26 FEBRUARY Ash Wednesday 2020 – World Water Day, Sunday 22 March.


In questo tempo di pandemia Covid-19 •all languages
Experiences and proposals from Catholic Action in the world

ALL TOGETHER on 27 March, at 6:00 pm

To the pandemic caused by the virus, we want to respond with the universality of prayer, of compassion, of tenderness. Let us remain united.


Pope Francis’ special video to pray for an end to the pandemic

All Together let’s pray Our Father

Wednesday, 25 March, at noon

24 Hours for the Lord

Let’s share and promote this initiative

March 19 Saint Joseph

Patron of the Universal Church*

Quaresima Cuaresma Lent Carême

with a Video message of S.E. Msgr. Eduardo Garcia (Ecclesiastical Assistant of IFCA, Asesor General ACA)

Mediterraneo frontiera di pace

BARI 19-23 febbraio 2020

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2020 

January 18-25 “Unusual kindness” (Acts 28:2)

Christmas 2019 – 1st January 2020

Advent and Christmas time with Admirabile signum

1st January 2020: 53rd WORLD DAY OF PEACE

“Peace as a journey of hope: dialogue, reconciliation and ecological conversion”

Auguri a Tommaso Sereni!

Nominato come rappresentante FIAC, Italia dell’Organismo consultivo internazionale dei giovani 24.11.2019

Ottobre 2019 mese missionario straordinario

“Battezzati e inviati: la Chiesa di Cristo in missione nel mondo”
durante il Sinodo speciale sull’Amazzonia

105th World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR)

29th September 2019 •“It is not just about migrants”

Amazzonia: Nuovi Cammini per la Chiesa e per una Ecologia Integrale

6-27 Ottobre 2019 •Volti e storie #sinodoamazzonia

4 luglio 2019 •Preghiera con il Venezuela

Proposta della Conferenza episcopale venezuelana – Commissione per i laici e i ministeri

Let us pray for fr. Pietro Baudena IMC

a great and humble Consolata missionary

“24 ore per il Signore” 2019 •29 marzo

Neppure io ti condanno (Gv 8, 11)
FIAC- invito a partecipare nelle Chiese locali, in parrocchia

Ricordiamo fratel Paolo

Piccoli fratelli Jesus Caritas a Nazareth