A great joy! The Pope has declared Card. Eduardo F. Pironio venerable 18 February 2022
Reflections by Rafael Corso (Coordinator of the IFCA Secretariat) and by Beatriz Buzzetti Thomson (Vice-postulator)
Reflections by Rafael Corso (Coordinator of the IFCA Secretariat) and by Beatriz Buzzetti Thomson (Vice-postulator)
“Pironio was a man of deep roots, (…) .He loved Catholic Action and believed in its lay missionary vocation”
(Pope Francis- 30th Anniversary of IFCA, November 2021)
Reflection by Rafael Corso
CA Argentina National President and Coordinator of the IFCA Secretariat
The Argentine Catholic Action (ACA) and the International Forum of Catholic Action (IFCA), received with deep joy the declaration of Venerable of the beloved Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio, which Pope Francis made on 18 February.
Just 24 years after his departure to the Father’s house, the cause for the canonisation of Cardinal Pironio has taken a new step forward with the recognition of his heroic virtues. This recognition awakens gratitude, happiness and thanksgiving for a Pastor who deeply loved his faithful people. (Full text)
Process of Beatification and Canonization of the Venerable Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio
Beatriz Buzzetti Thomson
It is with great joy that we celebrate the publication of the Decree by which Pope Francis declares the Servant of God Cardinal Pironio Venerable, confirming with this act the culmination of the Process of Heroic Virtues whose diocesan phase began in the Vicariate of the city of Rome on 23 June 2006 and closed on 11 March 2016. (full text)
Congregazione delle cause dei Santi
Durante la audiencia, la Presidencia del Celam agradeció al Papa Francisco el reciente reconocimiento que ha hecho de las virtudes heroicas del cardenal argentino Eduardo Pironio
• Magnificat
Presentation – Beatriz Buzzetti Thomson
•Spiritual testament
•The journey of Catholic Action in the Church and in the world for the new evangelization in the light of Christifideles laici (Lecture at IFCA’s First ordinary Assembly 1994)
•Prayer to the Virgin of Luján
Fondazione Azione Cattolica scuola di santità Pio XI
- wps_subtitle:
- 18 February 2022
Reflections by Rafael Corso (Coordinator of the IFCA Secretariat) and by Beatriz Buzzetti Thomson (Vice-postulator) - pl_view_post:
- 959