Christmas 2023 – 1 January 2024

We are on the doorstep of the celebration of Christmas, God who becomes man to save us.
May each one of us be able to share these days in family, together with the family of the Church and Catholic Action, being attentive to welcome, accompany and care for all, especially the most vulnerable.
In this time of so many conflicts, so much pain and suffering, let us allow God’s love to flood our hearts and fill them with his joy and hope. Let us allow ourselves to be transformed by the littleness and humility of the child Jesus and let us transmit his love to every person we meet, being a reflection of his tenderness, builders of the Kingdom and especially artisans of peace.
From the IFCA Secretariat we desire you a Merry and Holy Christmas and a 2024 in friendship with the Lord and with everyone, everyone, everyone!!!
Eva Fernández Mateo – Coordinator of the Secretariat
+ Eduardo García – Ecclesiastical Assistant
Wishes for peace from “Fondazione Azione Cattolica scuola di santità Pio XI ” IT – ES
Let us pray with the Church in the Holy Land
Christmas prayers program 2023/2024
Presided over by H.B. Card. Pierbattista Pizzaballa Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
Dialogo con il Card. Pierbattista Pizzaballa – video 21.12.2023
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