II African Continental Meeting YOU WILL BE MY WITNESS IN AFRICA. Reality and prospects for the laypeople’s formation. The contribution of Catholic Action/2 – Bujumbura, August 21st/25th 2002

The role of the priest assistant in Catholic Action
Msgr. Domenico SIGALINI
Fede, giustizia e pace. Il ruolo dell’Azione Cattolica
Zénon MANIRAKIZA -Researcher at IDRC, Inculturation and Development Centre of Burundi
The force of Good the hopes and challenges of the region of the Great Lake
Msgr. Simon NTAMWANA – Archbishop of Gitega, President of the Episcopal Conference of Burundi
Catholic Action, give everyday life the flavour of the Gospel
Msgr Bernard BUDUDIRA – Bishop o f Bururi
Presentation of the Catholic Action movements
Térence MBONABUCA – CAM’s leader and Xavery leader in Burundi
The socio-political and economic commitment as a new form of Evangelization
Rev. Salvatore NICITERETSE
Education: a requisite for the New Evangelization
Sr. Marie Goretti NIZIGIYIMANA
The layman’s contribution to the New Evangelization in Africa – Spirituality
Msgr Peter KIHARA – Bishop of Muranga
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- YOU WILL BE MY WITNESS IN AFRICA. Reality and prospects for the laypeople's formation. The contribution of Catholic Action/2 - Bujumbura, August 21st/25th 2002