Catholic Action, give everyday life the flavour of the Gospel

Msgr Bernard BUDUDIRA – Bishop o f Bururi

Dear brothers and sisters: Bishops, priests, religious and lay people, I welcome you to this Second Meeting of the International Forum of Catholic Action in the African Continent.
Two years ago we held an IFCA historic assembly in Nairobi. During this meeting we clarified Catholic Action’s specific nature, mission and methodology. Seeing that the number of countries represented was rather small, we looked forward to another meeting which would bring together countries from west, central and east Africa. Thank God, our wish has come true, and here we are at Bujumburi inspite of the justified fears linked with insecurity.
Dear participants, I congratulate you for your courage. I thank you for being with us here this week.
The main reason behind our attempt to organize this meeting again within such a short time is the desire to understand Catholic Action’s identity, its specific mission in the Church and in society, its methodology and its spirituality, that of inspiring and enriching human values with the strength of the Gospel.
Since Catholic Action’s specific aim is that of being the yeast in the human pastry, its identity becomes evident from the fruits which the Spirit helps it to bear in everyday life.
In view of this, permit me to suggest to all the participants in this session to analyse, reflect upon and suggest methods of formation and training and plans of action, keeping in mind the objective which has to be reached: that of giving the flavour of the Gospel, “being the salt of the earth” (Mt 5,13) to everyday life and to the community. 
With this objective in view, I hope that after the presentation about the ecclesial and socio-political aspect, we will be able to find out whether Catholic Action’s characteristics are in fact existent and evident in our socio-political contest. We should try to identify what we should encourage and what remains to be done.
When we share our experiences, we should give due attention to those experiences which speak about actual projects and plans of action which are aimed at transforming everyday relationships between individuals and in the whole of society, at personal and organizational level, in the spirit of the Gospel and as an outcome of that faith which stems from the acceptance of the Word of God.
When we examine Africa’s new evangelization, we should assess whether the spirituality lived by African Christians is such that it transforms all interpersonal ways of behaviour and relationships. We should also examine whether our socio-political commitment and our inculturation are motivated and enlightened by the Gospel and whether they inculcate a new spirit and an evangelical communitarian responsibility in the African mentality and culture. An inculturation, which only takes into account the rite, is not acceptable. 
True inculturization penetrates and betters all human values with the power and vision of the Gospel.
When we reflect on Catholic Action’s identity and formation, let us have the courage and honesty to correct the misconceptions which we notice. There are some who confuse Catholic Action with movements of popular piety, with the various spiritualities or with the sporadic Christian involvement of crowds or small groups. We should rather go back to the true nature of Catholic Action and thereon establish appropriate and realistic methodologies for a spiritual, theological and social formation which responds to the expectations and mission of the Church.
As regards the part played by Ecclesiastical Assistants in Catholic Action, I would like to ask the Bishops and priests, participating at this meeting, to share my concern about the fact that there are very few priests working with committed lay people. Speaking from my experience as Assistant of the African Teachers’ Equipes from 1975, I can say that some of these teachers’ equips are now non existent or have been converted into simple social organizations or Trade Unions. This has happened because of the lack of continuous guidance by a permanent priest assistant who should be a friend and brother to the members of the Equipes.
Inspired by the same faith, reassured by the same hope and animated by the same love, let us unite our efforts to promote a Catholic Action in Africa and in the world, which proclaims and manifests the power of Christ, creator of the new man and of the new world.
Enlightened by this faith, we can be messengers of hope in our countries where we encounter so much suffering and despair. May the Lord guide and sustain us during this meeting.

II African Continental Meeting
YOU WILL BE MY WITNESS IN AFRICA. Reality and prospects for the laypeople’s formation. The contribution of Catholic Action/2 – Bujumbura, August 21st/25th 2002

Msgr Bernard BUDUDIRA - Bishop o f Bururi