
II African Continental Meeting
YOU WILL BE MY WITNESS IN AFRICA. Reality and prospects for the laypeople’s formation. The contribution of Catholic Action/2 – Bujumbura, August 21st/25th 2002

“We can count on the power of the same Spirit who was poured out at Pentecost and who impels us still today to start out anew, sustained by the hope “which does not disappoint” (Rm 5:5)” – NMI 58

Wednesday August 22nd – Opening session
17.00: Opening Eucharistic Celebration in the Cathedral of Bujumbura, 
H.E. Msgr. Evariste NGOYAGOYE, Bishop of Bujumbura
21.00: Invocation of the Holy Spirit
Presentation of the Delegations
Intervention by H.E. Msgr. Bernard BUDUDIRA, Bishop of Bururi, the first diocese with CA in Africa, which joined IFCA

Thursday 22nd August
READING REALITY of the ecclesial and socio-political contexts with attention to the conflicts going on in Africa
7.00: Morning prayer
8.30: Salutation 
Presentation of IFCA by the Secretariat
10.00 – Opening lecture by H.E. Msgr. Simon Ntamwana 
Archbishop of Gitega – President of the Episcopal Conference of Burundi (CEB)
Interventions by the Pastors present or by the representatives of the various local Churches
15.00: Presentation of the MAC and the CA of the various countries: 
experiences and projects. Introduction by a leader of the MAC in Burundi
17.30: Eucharistic Celebration
21.00: Prayer for peace and eucharistic adoration

Friday 23rd
The New Evangelization in Africa: spirituality; socio-economic-political commitment; engagement in education; faith and culture; faith, justice and peace
7.00: Morning prayer
9.00: Basic lecture and interventions 
The new evangelization in Africa: spirituality by H.E Msgr. Peter Kihara – Murang’a, Kenya
Socio-political-economic engagement: Rev. Salvatore Nicitertse, Bururi – Burundi
Engagement in education: Sr Maria Goretti NIZIGIYIMANA, Bururi – Burundi
Inculturation: Rev. Arien NTABONA, Bujumbura – Burundi
Faith, Justice and peace: Zénon MANAIRAKIZA, Gitega – Burundi
15.00: Small workshops 
16.00: Plenary session
Interventions from workshops – Discussion and reply by the lecturers
17.30: Eucharistic Celebration
21.00: Prayer for the Church with the Rosary

Saturday 24th August
CA’s IDENTITY and proposal of formation: prospects in Africa

7.00: Eucharistic Celebration
9.00: 2002 WYD in Toronto – direct witnesses by some participants
H.E. Msgr. Bernard Bududira (Bururi), Msgr. Domenico Sigalini (CA Italy), Oana Tuduce (CA Romania)
10.00: The choicies for formation and the methodology for CA’s proposal in the particular Church for laypeople who are responsible in the Church and in society –
by IFCA’s Secretariat
The service of the ecclesiastic Assistant in ICA –
Intervention by Msgr. Domenico Sigalini, general Vice-Assisant of CA in Italy
Youths and children; Adults, Family, School…
15.00: Going on of workshops
16.30: Plenary session
Short report of the workshops – Proposals
20.30: Approval of final Document

Sunday August 25th
“Duc in Altum, Catholic Action! Have courage for the future. Be in the world 
a prophetic presence. Have the humble courage to fix your gaze on Jesus…”
8.00: The journey of CA in the third millennium
Intervention by Beatriz Buzzetti Thomson, CA of Argentina, Coordinator of IFCA’s Secretariat
10.00: Eucharistic Celebration in the CATHEDRAL 
H.E. Msgr. Evariste NGOYAGOYE – Bishop of Bujumbura and closing prayer
11.30: Meeting with MAC members of Bujumbura diocese with their WITNESSES
Reading of the final Document
