V European continental Meeting Life, Bread, Peace, Freedom. Catholic Action Lay People in their towns for a more humane world
Kracow, 6-9 May 2010
Kracow, 6-9 May 2010

• To her, Mother of hope and consolation, we confidently lift up our prayer: to her we entrust the future of the Church in Europe and the future of all the women and men of this continent:
Mary, Mother of hope… (Giovanni Paolo II, ECCLESIA IN EUROPA)
Homily – + Domenico SIGALINI
Friday after the fifth Sunday of Easter 7 May 2010
Message of Benedict XVI
From the Vatican, 5 May 2010
Desafíos actuales para la Acción Católica en el mundo
Emilio INZAURRAGA, Presidente Nacional de la AC Argentina – Coordinador del Secretariado del FIAC
The dignity of human life
Cooperation of self-government authorities with Catholic Action
Tadeusz WRONA – Polish President’s Advisor
Speech of Halina Szydelko
KIAK President at the conference opening
Catholics and Europe
Piotr MAZURKIEWICZ – General Secretary of Episcopate Commission of the European Union
Final Document
Krakow, 9 May 2010
Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Stanislaus the Martyr in the mystery of the Eucharist
Bishop Mariusz LESZCZYNSKI
Greeting and homily of Stanislaw Cardinal Dziwisz
Readings: 1 Cor. 15, 1-8; J. 14, 6-14
Europe “workshop” encounters of Gospel and cultures in John Pauls II school
Archbishop Józef MICHALIK

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- Life, Bread, Peace, Freedom. Catholic Action Lay People in their towns for a more humane world
Kracow, 6-9 May 2010