Card. Eduardo Pironio
Card. Eduardo Pironio, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity from 1984 to 1996 encouraged and supported the birth and the first steps of IFCA.
(IFCA’s Constituent Assembly. Rome 1991)
• Magnificat
Presentation – Beatriz Buzzetti Thomson
•Spiritual testament
•The journey of Catholic Action in the Church and in the world for the new evangelization in the light of Christifideles laici (Lecture at IFCA’s First ordinary Assembly 1994)
•Prayer to the Virgin of Luján
2018 – Pironian Year
Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio is beatified
Pope Francis’ words at the Angelus to remember the Blessed, vespers, beatification, mass of thanksgiving

16.12.2023: Beatification of Card. Eduardo Francisco Pironio
Santuario and Basílica Nuestra Señora de Luján (Argentina)

Triduum in honour of the Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio’s Beatification
13 to 15 December 2023

Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio will be beatified
Cardinal Eduardo was a generous, attentive and synodal pastor for Catholic Action Argentina and the International Forum of Catholic Action (FIAC).

A great joy! The Pope has declared Card. Eduardo F. Pironio venerable
18 February 2022
Reflections by Rafael Corso (Coordinator of the IFCA Secretariat) and by Beatriz Buzzetti Thomson (Vice-postulator)
Reflections by Rafael Corso (Coordinator of the IFCA Secretariat) and by Beatriz Buzzetti Thomson (Vice-postulator)

Misa en memoria del Cardinal Eduardo Pironio
Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Luján
Domingo 6 de febrero de 2022, a las 11
Domingo 6 de febrero de 2022, a las 11

Centenario della nascita del cardinale Pironio
04.12.2020 •Intervista a Silvia Correale, Vice Presidente della Fondazione Pio XI •AICA •Iniziative online Roma-Argentina

2018 – Año Pironiano
Año de Memoria agradecida por la vida del cardenal Pironio

Prayer to the Virgin of Lujan
Cardinal Eduardo F. Pironio
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