Listen to the voice of creation

1st September- 4th October 2022 Season of Creation

Dear brothers and sisters!
“Listen to the voice of creation” is the theme and invitation of this year’s Season of Creation. The ecumenical phase begins on 1 September with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and concludes on 4 October with the feast of Saint Francis… (Message of Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 1° September 2022)

21.07.2022 Conferenza Stampa di presentazione del Messaggio del Santo Padre Francesco in occasione della Giornata Mondiale di Preghiera per la cura del creato (1° settembre 2022) – Video

Appeal of Pope Francis General Audience 31 August 2022 for the Time of Creation 2022 Tomorrow we will celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and the beginning of the Season of Creation, which will end on 4 October, the feast of St Francis of Assisi. May this year’s theme, ‘Listen to the Voice of Creation’, foster in everyone a concrete commitment to care for our common home. At the mercy of our consumerist excesses, our sister Mother Earth groans and begs us to stop our abuse and her destruction. During this Season of Creation, let us pray that the UN COP27 and COP15 summits may unite the human family in decisively addressing the twin crises of climate and biodiversity loss. 

An appeal for prayers on the 1st September

On the occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, CA Associations all over the world, united in the International Forum of CA, are launching an appeal for prayers.

During these personal and communitarian prayer meetings we recommend the recitation of the Christian Prayer in union with creation found in the Encyclical Laudato si’ (246), with the magnificent hymn by Saint Francis (Laudato si’ 87)

IFCA is member of GCCM (Global Catholic Climate Movement)

Proposals of the Global Catholic Climate Movement for the Time of Creation 1.9-4.10.2022

resources section in particular.

Creation Time Initiatives
Please report your initiatives to

Invite to join to Laudato si’ Action Platform
The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a space for institutions, communities, and families to learn and grow together as we journey towards full sustainability in the holistic spirit of integral ecology. You are warmly invited to join this community.


previous years

1st September- 4th October 2022 Season of Creation