One Minute for Peace in Ukraine: every day, let us pray in communion, in the silence of our hearts

From Wednesday 16th February 2022

Let us intensify our prayer for peace in Ukraine, as Pope Francis invites us to do in the Angelus of 13 February.

IFCA proposes to everyone the initiative ONE MINUTE FOR PEACE in Ukraine.

Let’s schedule this minute in our day, let’s stop, in silence, let’s pray, let’s think about peace in Ukraine and all over the world.

26 January 2022: Day of prayer for peace in Ukraine  and all over the world
IFCA proposes to all CAs, to each CA member this day of prayer for peace in Ukraine on Wednesday 26 January.

IFCA takes up  the invitation of the Pope at the Angelus of 23 January.

this day for peace is an opportunity to see and feel the reality of Ukraine as one’s own, to raise awareness and bring to light the threats to peace, trying to understand the causes and work for peace.

Following the example of the Pope, who is a peacemaker all over the world, we are called to renew our daily commitment as instruments of peace.

Let us pray to God the Father, almighty and merciful, for the precious gift of Peace.

TWEET Pope Francis Today I ask you to pray for peace in #Ukraine: Let us ask the Lord to grant that the country may grow in the spirit of brotherhood, and that divisions will be overcome. May the prayers that today rise up to heaven touch the minds and hearts of world leaders.

And now, with the Our Father, I ask you to pray for peace in Ukraine, now and throughout this Day.  Let us ask the Lord to grant that the country may grow in the spirit of brotherhood, and that all hurts, fears and divisions will be overcome. We have spoken about the holocaust. But consider that more than five million people were annihilated during the time of the last war. They are a suffering people; they have suffered starvation, they have suffered so much cruelty, and they deserve peace. May the prayers and supplications that today rise up to heaven touch the minds and hearts of world leaders, so that dialogue may prevail and the common good be placed ahead of partisan interests. Please: War never again!
Let us make our prayer for peace in the words of the Our Father, for it is the prayer of sons and daughters to the one Father, the prayer that makes us brothers and sisters, the prayer of children who plead for reconciliation and concord.

(27 January 2022) _ THANKS: Dear friends of CA, we thanks all of You so much for Your prayers and supports. For us it is very very important now.
May God bless all of You, Your families, parishes and countries.
Joined with you in prayers,
fr Vasyl Bilash
Dear all international community of Catholic Action, please ask all members of CA to pray for  Ukraine.
After 20 of February (the end of winter Olympic games in China) is the biggest risk of the full-scale Russian invasion into Ukraine.
Pope Francis ask to pray for Ukraine and he proposed this Wednesday 26 January be a day of prayer for peace.
Thank You for Your prayers and supports!
fr. Vasyl Bilash  IFCA contact person for CA in Ukraine – observer country
AC Argentina
From Wednesday 16th February 2022