Meeting with FIAC representatives at X World Meeting of Families Online – Monday 13 June 2022
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Documents available
IFCA will participate in the Tenth World Meeting of Families to be held in Rome from 22 to 26 June 2022.
Three couples and a priest will represent IFCA.
Emilio Inzaurraga and Claudia Carbajal de Inzaurraga
DLFV Consultants
Emilio Inzaurraga coordinator of IFCAAmerica
Claudia Carbajal de Inzaurraga CA Argentina National President
Adriana and Nicolae Mardare
Carmine Gelonese and Annarita Ferrato
CA General – SPAIN
FR. José Antonio Cano Cano
National Assistant
Mgr Salvator Niciteretse
Bishop of Bururi, Representative of the Episcopal Conference of Burundi
On 13 June 2022, we will dialogue with them with interventions from a number of countries: attention to the family is present in all the realities of Catholic Action around the world. Various formative experiences and problems which emerge and which we will share.
•Rafael Corso, Coordinator of IFCA Secretariat
Family love: vocation and path to holiness. Prayer
•p. Antonio Cano Cano CA General – SPAIN
Let us answer some questions together
Amoris Laetitia: which way forward in the Church and society from 19 March 2016
•Franco Miano and Giuseppina De Simone participants in the two synods on the Family
How we are preparing for the world meeting in our countries?
The CA proposal about the family
•Argentina Emilio and Claudia
•Italy Carmine and Annarita
•Romania Adriana and Nicolae
•Spain Eva Fernandez Mateo
•Africa Bishop Salvator
Let us pray together with saints and blesseds of CA
• FIAC booklet on the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia with reflections by Franco Miano and Pina de Simone to motivate personal reflection, in the family, in groups on the call “to love and for love”.
- wps_subtitle:
- Online - Monday 13 June 2022
Documents available - pl_view_post:
- 682