Witnesses of Sanctity, Artisans of Peace Online prayer meeting -Solemnity of All Saints – Online, Monday 31st October 2022 Documents available
As every year, the Foundation Catholic Action School of Sanctity Pius XI and the International Forum of Catholic Action promote the Solemnity of All Saints with an invitation to personal and group prayer.
On Monday 31 October at 6 p.m. on the theme “Witnesses of holiness, artisans of peace”, we gathered online from many countries and prayed together: listening to the Word of God, a meditation on the theme by Cardinal Baltazar Porras Cardoso, a litany of witnesses of sanctity artisans of peace, silence, a prayer to Mary Queen of Peace, Our Lady of Reconciliation.
You will find all the materials available in the programme.
Intense and constant prayer is the contribution that each of us can make to the building of peace day by day: so many AC witnesses, lay people and priests who are “artisans of peace” have preceded us and are accompanying us on the path of peace precisely at this moment in history when it seems so difficult to build.
We thank Pope Francis who on 1 November dedicated the Angelus reflection to the beatitude “Blessed are the peacemakers“.
Reading from the Word of God
Beatitudes Matthew 5
Psalm 121
Last Judgement Matthew 25
Commentary H.E. Card. Baltazar Porras Cardoso, President of Foundation Catholic Action School of Sanctity Pius XI
LITANY of witnesses of sanctity artisans of peace
Prayer to Mary Our Lady of Reconciliation (Cardinal Eduardo F. Pironio)
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- Online prayer meeting -Solemnity of All Saints - Online, Monday 31st October 2022 Documents available
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