From Catholic Action Bethlehem

George-Anton GHATTAS – President CAB

I do have to stress how disappointed we were as individuals and as organization of not being able to attend the seminar along with you, brother and sisters in Christ. Even though we tried our best to be there with you, it seems that security policies and discrimination against us as Palestinians have a greater influence than attempts to outreach between cultures and peoples. 

I do wish you all the success in your efforts and do wish to reiterate how important your work is to bring forth the isolation and deprivation the Catholic Action is facing in the holy land and Bethlehem in Particular. The lack of mobility is common place to all residents of Bethlehem even between neighboring Palestinian cities, these circumstances render the living condition of our community rather difficult. Children, youth women and the elderly are the most affected. Unemployment is rising and idleness amongst young and old people is becoming the habit of every day. 

It is in this environment that the work of the Catholic Action Bethlehem becomes more and more important, on one side to continue to provide signs of hope and faith to those who loosing it, and to create the social, religious and cultural environment that reduces the impact of existing disorder and ciaos. We cannot continue to serve unless you and other fellow Catholic Action organizations provide a helping hand in advocating for the current reality, support our programs for the family, children and youth in particular in forms of financial, human and in-kind support. And more important that we do no longer feel as if we are left out on our own, that we belong to a bigger group and that our vision is a shared vision with all of you. That you encourages exchange programs amongst our youth, that you organize pilgrimage tours to the holy land, that you export your experiences and capacities through volunteering to programs that we are running and that you create programs within which our youth can be part and that they are exposed and aware of what you are doing too. Financial support to the enhancing of infrastructure programs such as the sport and common facilities are essential, the upgrading the cinema theatre will allow us to develop educational and cultural programs throughout the year, all of the above are what we are proposing to be done, together we can make some of them come true if not all of them!. 
May god bless you and give you the strength and wisdom to continue and serve the children of God.

III European-Mediterranean Continental Meeting
FOR A FRATERNAL EUROPE. The contribution of Catholic Action •Sarajevo, September 3rd-7th 2003

George-Anton GHATTAS - President CAB