In the Middle Eastern context it is more crucial than ever that there would be peace in the Holy Land.
Pope Francis 18.10.2015
On Saturday 24th October, in the Vigil of the Feast of our Lady of Palestine, we join to the Palestinian christian youth, in our parishes, in all over the world, to pray for peace in Holy Land, in Jerusalem, in Middle East
ANGELUS 18.10.2015
Seguo con grande preoccupazione la situazione di forte tensione e di violenza che affligge la Terra Santa. In questo momento c’è bisogno di molto coraggio e molta forza d’animo per dire no all’odio e alla vendetta e compiere gesti di pace. Per questo preghiamo, perché Dio rafforzi in tutti, governanti e cittadini, il coraggio di opporsi alla violenza e di fare passi concreti di distensione. Nell’attuale contesto medio-orientale è più che mai decisivo che si faccia la pace nella Terra Santa: questo ci chiedono Dio e il bene dell’umanità.
Our JEC groups are at the service of peace and justice in our country, Palestine in particular and the Middle East in general.
This is the first initiative that we share with others, we are very pleased with the cooperation with you and we are ready for various forms of cooperation and partnership in the future.
Thanks for the prayer and for your solidarity.
Your brothers of Palestine JEC
Father Bashar Fawadleh
Website: www.jec.ps, www.jec.ps/store
THEME of prayer I am a Palestinian and I resist with my faith
WHEN Saturday, 24/10/2015 the eve of the feast of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Palestine. Time: 18:00
WHERE Each group will pray in his own parish.
Prayer to Our Lady, Queen of Palestine
O Mary Immaculate, gracious Queen of Heaven and Earth, we are prostrate at your feet, sure of your goodness and confident in your power.
We beg you to look kindly on the Holy Land, which, more than any other country, belongs to you since you have honored it by your birth, your virtues and your pain, and that it is here where you gave the Savior of the World.
Remember that you were made Mother and dispenser of graces. Deign to grant special protection to your earthly homeland to dispel the darkness of the error, so that the sun of eternal justice may shine on it and that the promise, fallen from the lips of your divine Son to form one flock under the guidance of one shepherd, may be fulfilled.
Obtain us to serve the Lord in righteousness and holiness, every day of our lives, so that by the merits of Jesus, with your maternal protection, we can pass from the earthly Jerusalem to the splendors of the heavenly Jerusalem.
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- SATURDAY 24th October 2015
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