Identity – Goals – Aims
The International Forum of Catholic Action Associations and Federations of Movements is made up of those associations of lay apostolate constituted at national level, which correspond to the four notes, taken all together, that are set out in the decree of Vatican Ecumenical Council II Apostolicam Actuositatem no. 20, 2-3, and in the Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici no.31,3.
- to be a place where concern for and solidarity with Catholic Action groups in different countries, regions and continents can be expressed;
- to analyse the worldwide dimension of the great problems that contemporary society poses to the Church and to Catholic Action;
- to animate and promote the “new evangelisation” keeping in mind the different pastoral contexts and the structure of every CA group.
- encourage and promote reciprocal understanding;
- promote initiatives aimed at supporting and developing the specific service which they are expected to give in keeping with their identity and in diverse ways and forms called for by the different cultural, social and ecclesial cultures wherein they operate;
- promote initiatives aimed at a deeper understanding of the problems which affect the life and the mission of the Church at universal, continental or regional level;
- establish dialogue and cooperation with all organisations for lay apostolate at international level;
- represent members with the Pontifical Council of the Laity and other organs of the Holy See;
- and with civil International Organisations respecting the ecclesial nature of the Forum and its goals.
(from Normative Document)
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