Un minuto per la pace. Verso l’8 giugno 2018

Quattro conflitti dimenticati ci interpellano

Il Fiac invita a unirsi alla preghiera di tanti amici che lavorano per la pace in realtà di conflitto. Portiamo in primo piano conflitti spesso dimenticati in Paesi dove c’è l’AC.
Queste tappe ci aiutano a cogliere il significato di “Un minuto per la pace“, iniziativa simbolica che proponiamo dal 2014.
Ribadiamo il “nostro desiderio e il nostro impegno per la pace consapevoli che senza di essa lo sviluppo integrale dell’uomo diventa irragiungibile” (Papa Francesco, 8.01.2018)

1  giugno
Preghiamo per la pace in COLOMBIA – paese membro del FIAC

En el marco del momento historico que Colombia esta viviendo buscando de compartir el proceso de paz

• recordamos el viaje apostolico del Papa Francisco con su lema muy significativo DAMOS EL PRIMER PASO

la Iglesia colombiana participa activamente en el proceso de paz

• Recibimos este video de la AC Colombia que nos presenta su propuesta en este contexto. La acompanamos con la oración come signo de nuestra amistad

FB Católica Acción Martha Lucía
Agradecemos a la Presidenta de la Junta Nacional Martha Lucia

25 maggio
Preghiamo per la pace in MYANMAR –  paese membro del FIAC

Some words from Lei Lei Win
Secretary of IDCA, Myanmar – Taunggyi
we need a prayer for peace , Kachin, Rohinga and Rakhine people. There are many catholic mostly in the Kachin State.

There are no CA member but Myintgyina Diocese at Kachine state invited to come and share about CA at their diocese when the first orientation at CBCM.
Many refugee came in nearby the church, they are just temporary stay and they move to the camp.
Catholic youth are collected some donation for the camp not only for Kachine but also Rakhine and Rohinga camp.
Here, in the town, we can give just a prayer and a donation for all refugee in Myanmar.
Many civil war is here. Last year one civil war did at shan state our place but the media didn’t see.
They saw only Rohinga at Rakhine state.
At that time, the villagers came into the church, Laikhia Parish, Taunggyi Archdiocese. The church supported for the refugee in a few day.
After civil war, they went back their place and stay again. I still didn’t understand politically playing.
We need a prayer and a prayer.

NEWS about Kachin: SouthWorld  •  VaticanNews


ASIA/MYNAMAR – Letter from religious leaders to the people:”The future of the nation is in compassion and reconciliation

ASIA/MYANMAR – Bishops’ alarm: Over 7,000 Kachin Christians forced to flee

Myanmar, i vescovi: allarme per la violenza sui cristiani Kachin
Il cardinale Bo e il vescovo Daw Tang portano all’attenzione della comunità internazionale la nuova escalation di ostilità tra l’esercito birmano e le minoranze etniche nel Nord
Les réfugiés de l’État Kachin trouvent refuge dans les églises

10.05.2018 Myanmar bishops ask Holy See to organise conference on Rohingyas
03.05.2018 Myanmar bishops call for peace and justice in war torn Kachin state

Our meeting is an important occasion to renew and strengthen the bonds of friendship and respect between Buddhists and Catholics. It is also an opportunity for us to affirm a commitment to peace, respect for human dignity and justice for every man and woman. Not only in Myanmar, but also throughout the world, people need this common witness by religious leaders. For when we speak with one voice in affirming the timeless values of justice, peace and the fundamental dignity of each human person, we offer a word of hope. We help Buddhists, Catholics and all people to strive for greater harmony in their communities.

Kaba Aye Centre (Yangon) 29 November 2017
I want people to know that you, the young men and women of Myanmar, are not afraid to believe in the good news of God’s mercy, because it has a name and a face: Jesus Christ. As messengers of this good news, you are ready to bring a word of hope to the Church, to your own country, and to the wider world. You are ready to bring good news for your suffering brothers and sisters who need your prayers and your solidarity, but also your enthusiasm for human rights, for justice and for the growth of that “love and peace” which Jesus brings.

•HOLY MASS WITH THE YOUTH St Mary’s Cathedral (Yangon) 30 November 2017 >>



18 maggio
Preghiamo per la pace in
 UCRAINA  –  paese osservatore del FIAC

22.05.2018 UCRAINA – ITALIA
Assemblea Cei: lettera di mons. Shevchuk, “in Ucraina una guerra dimenticata che continua a portare morte e causare una grave crisi umanitaria” con annuncio visita Card. Bassetti Agensir

The situate in Ukraine, especially in the Donbas region is very difficult.
A conflict that the Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin defined a ‘forgotten war’. Nobody is speaking about it anymore. The Ukrainian conflict no longer hits the news while “it’s the most serious humanitarian crisis since the Second World War.”

The Holy Father is always close the suffering people during this years of war from 2014.
We remember the appeal of Pope Francis for a collection for Ukraine in the European parishes on 24 April 2018

Letter from His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, on the very difficult situation in Ukraine

And from June 15 to 20. 2016 Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, visited Ukraine. In the eastern city of Zaporizhzhya, he symbolically launched Pope Francis’ humanitarian plan to help Ukrainians affected by the war.

On Sunday 28 in January 2018 Pope Francis visited the Church of Santa Sofia In Rome
During his address Pope Francis noted the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the suffering of the people there saying, “I am here today to tell you all that I am close to you: close with my heart, with my prayers, and when I celebrate Mass.” He then prayed that the weapons of war would be silenced. >>
Video CNA Catholic News Agency

The Major Archbishop His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk commented: “The Holy Father’s presence among us is an answer to these questions. He is saying ‘you are not alone. God has not forgotten you’A consolation”.
The numbers of the conflict. For the past four years 7% of the territory of Ukraine, extending for 600 thousand square kilometres with 42.5 million inhabitants, has been under occupation. Before the war 5 million inhabitants lived in the eastern Donbass region. Today, as a result of the conflict, figures dropped to 2 million. According to international estimates, Ukraine counts two million internally displaced people, people fleeing war who found shelter inside the Country. “Military clashes are ongoing every day”, remarked the leader of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic community in his tragic account. “Schools have been destroyed and The city of Lugansk is deserted. >>

Our friend from Greek Catholic Church in Kiev sent us some links to have more and updates information
War in Donbass  • Russian military intervention in Ukraine (2014–present)
Washington post UKR Inform  • Pravda   • BBC
Voices of Ukraine
•  Filmmaker Sentsov launches hunger strike untill Russia releases all Ukrainian political prisoners

Other news

11 maggio
Preghiamo per la pace in BURUNDI – paese membro del FIAC
“Salvaguardate la pace e l’unità”: appello dei Vescovi in vista del referendum costituzionale del 17 maggio

Les MAC dans la ligne de la Conférence des Évêques sont entrain de travailler beaucoup sur la non violence active.
Intervista a don Salvatore Niciteretse

• MAC Burundi lavorano per la pace: per la riconciliazione, la giustizia, il dialogo >>


Quattro conflitti dimenticati ci interpellano