Perspectives for the future from the experience of some participants in the Synodal Assembly

Thursday 26th October 2023 / 1.45 p.m. – 3 p.m. Online

Prayer and reflection meeting

from Via della Conciliazione 1 – Rome, ACI and FIAC offices

Coordinated by Monica Santamarina President General UMOFC

ZOOM LINK for registration and participation

Simultaneous translation it-en-es-fr

Programme Welcome and presentation

With the participation of the invitees
– Prayer of thanksgiving
Introducing Eva Fernández Mateo, special invitee to the Synod, National president of AC General España and Coordinator of the IFCA Secretariat

– Interventions

•Rev.da Suora Maria de los Dolores PALENCIA, C.S.J. (Messico) – Presidente delegata
•Rev.da Suora Anne Béatrice FAYE, C.I.C. (Costa d’Avorio) – Esperta – facilitatrice
•Sua Mons. Juan Domingo-Beka ESONO AYANG, C.M.F., Vescovo di Mongomo, Presidente della Conferenza Episcopale della Guinea Equatoriale
•Sua Mons. Franco Giulio BRAMBILLA, Vescovo di Novara (Italia)
•Rev. P. Enrique FIGAREDO ALVARGONZALEZ, S.I., Prefetto Apostolico di Battambang (Cambogia)
•Sig.a Erika Sally ALDUNATE LOZA (Bolivia), testimone del processo sinodale America Latina
•Sig. Néstor Esaú VELÁSQUEZ TÉLLEZ (Nicaragua), testimone del processo sinodale America Latina
•Professoressa Susan PASCOE (Australia) – Esperta – facilitatrice

Two videos – testimonies of women on the synodal process

Invitation to pray for peace on 27 October

Concluding words

Below is the text of Pope Francis, General Audience 18.10.2023

Today too, dear brothers and sisters, our thoughts turn to Palestine and Israel. The number of victims is rising and the situation in Gaza is desperate. Please, let everything possible be done to avoid a humanitarian disaster. The possible widening of the conflict is disturbing, while so many war fronts are already open in the world. May weapons be silenced, and let us heed the cry for peace of the poor, the people, the children…

Brothers and sisters, war does not solve any problem: it sows only death and destruction, foments hate, proliferates revenge. War cancels out the future, it cancels out the future. I urge believers to take just one side in this conflict: that of peace. But not in words – in prayer, with total dedication.

With this in mind, I have decided to call for a day of fasting and prayer on Friday 27 October, a day of penance to which I invite sisters and brothers of the various Christian denominations, those belonging to other religions and all those who have at heart the cause of peace in the world, to join in as they see fit. That evening, at 18.00 at Saint Peter’s, we will spend an hour of prayer in a spirit of penance to implore peace in our time, peace in this world. I ask all the particular Churches to participate by arranging similar activities involving the People of God.

The Synodal Church, prophetic witness of reconciliation and artisan of peace

Wednesday 18 October 2023 7.45 p.m. online

Prayer and formation meeting
with some participants of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, First Session

I thank all those who are following, and who are above all accompanying with prayer, the Synod that is taking place, an ecclesial event of listening, sharing and fraternal communion in the Spirit. I invite everyone to entrust the proceedings to the Holy Spirit. Angelus 8.10.23


Welcome and presentation
Giuseppe Notarstefano, ACI National President

Introduction on synodality
H.E. Msgr. Eduardo Garcia, IFCA Ecclesiastical Assistant

Video on synodality

Some synod participants comment on a passage from the Bible
in the light of the experience of. these days and in the current “third world war in pieces” context

Su Mons. Erio CASTELLUCCI (Italy)
Su Mons. Bruno FORTE (Italy)
Prof. Giuseppina DE SIMONE (Europe)
MS. Eva FERNÁNDEZ MATEO (Catholic Action – Fiac)

Two short videos on women and the Synod
Introduced by Monica Santamarina, WUCWO General President

Final greetings and appointment for 26 October

(…) War is a defeat! Every war is a defeat! Let us pray that there be peace in Israel and in Palestine.vIn this month of October dedicated, in addition to the missions, to praying the Rosary, let us not tire of asking through Mary’s intercession for the gift peace in the many countries throughout the world marked by war and conflicts. And let us continue to remember the dear Ukraine, which suffers so much every day, which is so battered. Angelus 8.10.23

Thursday 26th October 2023 / 1.45 p.m. - 3 p.m. Online