90th Anniversary of the Catholic Action in Malta October 2019 – October 2020 with photogalleries (updated 19.02.2020)
Secretariado FIAC
Roma, 8 de febrero de 2020
Queridos hermanos de la Acción Católica Maltesa, con inmensa alegría como Foro Internacional de Acción Católica les hacemos llegar nuestro cordial abrazo con motivo del cumplimiento de los 90 años de vida en Malta.
De este modo quisiéramos que nos sientan cercanos y unidos en la fe, la misión y el amor fraterno.
La alegría del Evangelio de Jesucristo tiene que transformar nuestras vidas de discípulos misioneros para ser la buena noticia que nuestros Pueblos desean y necesitan. Testigos del Cristo viviente en cada hermano y hermana.
Amigos sigamos caminando con esperanza como hijos de la iglesia en el mundo entero y fieles al Papa Francisco y a esta hora de la iglesia renovemos nuestro compromiso por un orden social más misericordioso, Justo y fraterno.
Que María, Virgen y madre, sus santos patronos y el testimonio de todos sus “santos de la puerta de alado” los acompañes y cuiden en vuestro caminar.
Alabado sea Jesucristo!!
Rafael Corso
S.E. Mons. Eduardo Garcia
Maria Grazia Tibaldi
Mela Darba – Once upon a time
(this is the theme which will accompany us throughout the year)
In the celebrations for the 90th anniversary of AKM, we will not only look back to our history but also look forward to our future. We are co-heirs of a common story and have the responsibility to continue writing this story and prepare it for future generations. We hope that this year will be a year in which we question if we are fulfilling the mission entrusted to us by God to announce the Good Word to the society around us.
The important presence of charity and solidarity by the Maltese Catholic Action –
The Archbishop of Malta H.E. Msgr Charles J. Scicluna
Once upon a time… General Assembly (8th November 2019)
On Friday 8th November, at the Catholic Institute in Floriana, the Maltese Catholic Action (AKM) organised its General Assembly. This year, it was an extra special event since it is the 90th Anniversary of the Catholic Action in Malta.>>>
26th October 2019: Activity organised by the Commission for Service to the sick and disabled people within the Malta Catholic Action: Around 100 elderly and disabled people participated in this event which consisted of the celebration of Mass and reception at the parish church of Marsaxlokk.
19th October 2019 ŻAK Reunion
In February 2020 the Catholic Action will be celebrating its 90th Anniversary of its official initiation in Malta. A number of events to celebrate this Anniversary will be held between October 2019 and October 2020. As part of these celebrations, a Reunion was organised for those who were members prior to 2010, on Saturday 19th October. >>>
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- October 2019 - October 2020 with photogalleries (updated 19.02.2020)
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