27 April 2017 – Partecipation of Pope Francis and Programme

Programme, videos, Documents, Photogallery

II International Congress on Catholic Action
Catholic Action is Mission. With everyone and for everyone
Vatican City – Synod Hall

Documents – Photogallery

PROGRAMME “after” [with the interventions in the original language or in English if available]

8.00 Holy Mass in Saint Peter’s Basilica – the Altar of the Chair
Presided over by H.E Card. Pietro PAROLIN, Secretary of State
 [testo integrale]

10.00     Opening Session Synod Hall
Welcome – Chiara Finocchietti, Responsible for CA Promotion, IFCA Secretariat
VIDEO:  Catholic Action is where you are
 •  Video Text

Presentation of the Day’s Programme –  Emilio INZAURRAGA, IFCA Secretariat Coordinator
VIDEO: Catholic Action is a live story

1st session
With Evangelii Gaudium as our compass: Catholic Action school of missionary disciples

10.15 Introduction by Zénobé NIRAGIRA, Representative of Mouvements d’Action Catholique – Burundi

H.E. Msgr. Eduardo GARCIA, Bishop of San Justo, IFCA Ecclesiastical Assistant, National Catholic Action Assistant Argentina
Stella MORRA, theologian, Pontifical Gregorian University

10.45 Partecipation of Pope Francis (Video Radio Vaticana)
Welcome H.E. Cardinal Kevin J. Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life  
Welcome Emilio Inzaurraga with the presentation of some significant realities

• CA children from Albania, Argentina, Italy, Malta and Holy Land
• a family from Malta: parents, children and grandparents
• the pastor of Lampedusa and CA President of Agrigento
• a priest from Central African Republic
• a family with two children from Bethlem and a young Iraqi seamstress displaced in Jordan and now in Italy

Speech by the Holy Father Francis

12.45    Lunch, Paul VI Hall Lobby

2nd session
We are mission, lay people who journey together
VIDEO: Keywords

14.00  Introduction by Matteo TRUFFELLI –  National President of the Italian Catholic Action

H.E. Card. Carlos OSORO – Archbishop of Madrid
Antonio MUÑOZ VARO, National President of Acción Católica General – Spain

3rd session
Evangelizers filled with Spirit.  Pedagogy of the CA School of Sanctity

14.45    Introduction by Oana TUDUCE, Representative of Acțiunea Catolică din România
Testimonies: Lei Lei WIN (Myanmar), Thérèse N’DOUR DIOP (Senegal), Fr. Marcelo DE LEON (Uruguay), Sr. Rosaria CARPENTIERI (Italy)
Oana TUDUCE (Romania)

15.30    Coffee break

4th session
With everyone and for everyone
15.30     Introduction by Rafael Ángel CORSO, National President of Acción Católica Argentina


  •  The world at a glance – video
    Sandro CALVANI, Senior Advisor Mae Fah Luang Foundation, Bangkok, Thailandia
  • God’s instruments for the liberation and promotion of the poor
    Michel ROY, Caritas Internationalis General Secretary
  •  For a culture of nonviolence and peace,
    Fr. Salvatore NICITERETSE, IFCA Coordinator for Africa
  •  The centrality of the family with Amoris Laetitia
    Franco MIANO and Giuseppina DE SIMONE, Experts at the Bishops’ Synod on the Family Extraordinary General Assembly (2014) and Ordinary (2015)

Synthesis of the 4 sessions and presentation of the 5th session – Emilio Inzaurraga

16.45  Vespers and “missionary” benediction. Presided over by H.E. Card. Kevin FARRELL

An Outgoing CA – missionary experiences in the city in collaboration with CA Rome

17.45 Departures
1.      Prayers with Taizé songs
2.      Refugees – Centro Astalli
3.      New economy – NeXt
4.      Art, liturgy and faith – Centro Aletti
5.      CA Parish Council Representatives in the CA Diocesan Centre
6.      The strength of network against trafficking in human beings
7.      “Bambin Gesù” Children’s Hospital
8.      Human promotion in the outskirts through  sports (Centro Sportivo Italiano)
9.      Families in difficulties – Casa Betania
10.  Caritas and CA in the parish
11.  Cultural interreligious dialogue Pontifical  Gregorian University
12.  Public Institutions – House of Representatives
13.  Public Institutions – Antimafia Parliamentary Commission
14.  Public Institutions – Lazio Region: Cittadella della carità “Santa Giacinta” – Diocesan Caritas Rome
15.  Parco Lido Lunapark Ostia  – Little sisters of Jesus
16.  Delegation Holy Land Custody

20.30/21 Return to Casa Tra Noi or other lodgings

Presentation brochure of the Congress
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Programme, videos, Documents, Photogallery