27 June 2021: Peace Day for the East

Letter by +Pierbattista Pizzaballa

Dear Brothers,

I am sorry or the way I come to you, but I am overwhelmed by so many things, that I do not find the time to do everything on time.

I just want you to know that the Assembly of the Catholic Patriarch of Middle East, presided by the Patriarch Rai, decided to dedicate Sunday June 27 to the day of prayer for the Peace in Middle East.

It has been decided that a Mass should be celebrated in each one of the countries belonging to the Council of the Catholic Patriarchs in the East, and thus all the patriarchs and bishops are invited to participate in this intense prayer, and to be in a profound Communion of prayer together during this blessed day.

In the occasion of the Year of Saint Joseph, has also been decided to proceed in the consecration of the East to the Holy Family, and for this reason, a special gesture will be included in the Mass which will be celebrated in the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth on Sunday, June 27, 2021, at 10:00 am.

In this mass we all Ordinaries are invited to participate. Will be an inter-ritual mass (if it is possible to say so), where each church can participate with some gesture.

We will bless a specially painted Icon of the Holy Family inlaid with relics from the same Basilica of the Annunciation. The icon represents the painting of the family of Nazareth, which reposes above the altar of St Joseph Church, in Nazareth, which, according to the tradition, is built on the remains of the Carpenter’s house.

Once blessed, the Icon will go in a pilgrimage, starting from Lebanon to the countries of the East, until its arrival to Rome towards the end of the year of St. Joseph, on December 8, 2021. From Rome, the Icon will travel back to the Holy Land where it will remain.

In Rome as well, the Holy Father Pope Francis will give his special Apostolic Blessing for the “Peace Day for the East”.

I will write a letter to all the diocese and perhaps we all could do the same or anyway inform the parishes.

Fr. Firas Abedrabbo will call to see how to celebrate this mass and how to organize.

Let me know if there are problems. This was decided only last week, anyway. I am in Jordan till Friday.

Jerusalem, 7/6/2021



Celebrant Booklet

Letter by +Pierbattista Pizzaballa