This space to:
• Give voice to the Church and the Christians
• Walk with lay people and CA
• Report FIAC and CA initiatives
29 March 2024 Good Friday «Make them feel the solidarity of the Church!»
INVITATION to the Good Friday Collection

Good Friday Collection Holy Land
7 April 2023. In parish and diocese: a commitment for everyone, a commitment for Catholic Action

Good Friday Collection Holy Land
15th April 2022In parish and diocese: a commitment for everyone, a commitment for Catholic Action

Peace Day for the East
Sunday 27 June 2021

Colletta Venerdì Santo: un nuovo sito
e l’invito a prendere contatto con i Commissari delle varie regioni (macro regioni)

Youth Exchange and Pastoral Service for our Church, through friendship ●summer and winter 2019
(with narrative report and photogallery)
(with narrative report and photogallery)

Youth Exchange and pastoral service for our Church, through friendship

#UnMinutoporlaPaz 2019

Ricordiamo fratel Paolo
Piccoli fratelli Jesus Caritas a Nazareth

July 7th in Bari: day of prayer and reflection for peace
Beloved Middle East, may you see dispelled the darkness (…) “May peace be upon you” (Ps 122:8)… and may God’s blessing come to rest upon you

Avviciniamo i giovani a Gesù in Terra Santa
Verso il Sinodo 2018

For the peace of Jerusalem pray
IFCA Secretariat invites to intensify the prayer for Jerusalem with Psalm 122
Study and training Seminar
Bethlehem district, December 1-3, 2017

The Collection for the Holy Land on Good Friday
Through this initiative, the Church is calls on Christians of the Holy Land to resist the temptation of emigration, showing them how the faithful from all over the world are mindful of their fate.

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