how we are organised
The organs of the Forum are: the Assembly; the General Secretariat.
- The Assembly meets in ordinary or extraordinary session to examine the Agenda for which it was summoned. The agenda should be sent through email or any other means at least three months before the meeting. The Assemblies are validly constituted in the first call when the majority of its members who have a right to be present are physically present or have sent a proxy, in the second call with any number. Every CA Association or Federation of CA Movements, present at the Forum, has only one vote and can have only one proxy.
- The General Secretariat is made up of: five lay people coming from five Forum Member Countries which are elected every four years and which reflect CA’s diversity. These five members nominate the Secretariat Coordinator from among themselves. The Secretariat Coordinator chooses the Secretary and the Administrator from outside the members of the Secretariat. These become members of the General Secretariat but have no right to vote.The five elected members, the Secretary and the Administrator make up the General Secretariat. The Ecclesiastical Assistant is part of the Secretariat.
(from IFCA’s Normative Document)
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