ZAK Malta: “Invite your Bishop!”

Two meetings with Mons. Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna

During the General Assembly of the Malta Catholic Action which was held the past November, Mons. Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna expressed the wish to have meetings with the young people of ŻAK. This is so that they could help him prepare for the Bishops Synod on young people, faith and discernment. On 9th April and on 11th May 2018  two meetings were held, one for young people between the ages of 15 and 18 years and the other for those aged 18 and over. Before the meetings, the young people discussed in their groups questions related to their life in the church and in society. The results of these discussions were presented to the Archbishop who listened to the young people talking on the challenges and opportunities they meet.

The following are the presentations prepared by young people of ages: 15 -18 years:

  1. Young people in today’s world
  2. Christian faith – is it still relevant today? Discuss
  3. Vocation – What does God want from us? Discuss
  4. Do young people have support from the Church and a place in the Parish?

Questions tackled by 18+

  1. What are the opportunities and challenges that young people face today (studies, work, relationships, sexuality, travelling, properties, technology and social media etc.)
  2. What are we as young people doing to live faith and how can we strengthen it?
  3. Are we trying to discover our vocation? How?
  4. Do you feel part of a community and how? Do you feel part of the Church and how?

ŻAK expresses its gratitude towards Mons. Archbishop for these meetings in which he listened to the young people’s experiences. He continues to encourage work in groups and encouraged the leaders to not lose hope in front of today’s challenges.

Waqt l-Assemblea Ġenerali tal-Azzjoni Kattolika Maltija li saret f’Novembru li għadda, Mons. Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna wera x-xewqa li jkollu xi laqgħat maż-żgħażagħ taż-ŻAK. Dan sabiex jgħinuh fil-preparament tiegħu għas-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet dwar iż-żgħażagħ, il-fidi u d-dixxerniment. F’dan l-aħħar ġimgħat saru 2 laqgħat, waħda għall-adoloxxenti ta’ bejn il-15 u t-18-il sena u oħra għaż-żgħażagħ ta’ ‘l fuq minn 18-il sena. Qabel il-laqgħat iż-żgħażagħ fil-gruppi tagħhom iddiskutew ċerti mistoqsijiet relatati mal-ħajja tagħhom fil-knisja u fis-soċjetà. Ir-risposti ta’ dawn id-diskussjonijiet ġew ippreżentati lill-Arċisqof li ddiskuta maż-żgħażagħ fuq l-isfidi u l-opportunitajiet li ż-żgħażagħ jiltaqgħu magħhom.

Preżentazzjonijiet ppreparati minn żgħażagħ ta’ 15 sa 18-il sena dwar:

  1. Iz-zghazagh fid-dinja tal-llum.
  2. Il-Fidi Nisranija – għadha relevanti illum? Iddiskuti
  3. Il-Vokazzjoni – Xi jrid Alla minna? Iddiskuti
  4. Iż-żgħażagħ ghandhom support mill-Knisja u post fil-Parrocca?

Mistoqsijiet 18+

  1. X’inhuma l-opportunitajiet u l-isfidi li ż-żgħażagħ jiffaċjaw illum il-gurnata (studju, xogħol, familja, relazzjonijiet, sesswalita, safar, propjetajiet, teknologija u social media, ecc…)
  2. X’qed nagħmlu biex bħala żgħażagħ ngħixu l-fidi u kif nistgħu nsaħħuha?
  3. Qed nippruvaw niskopru l-vokazzjoni taghna? u kif?
  4. Thossok parti minn kommunita’ u kif? Thossok parti mill Knisja u kif?

Iż-ŻAK tesprimi l-gratitudni tagħha lejn Mons. Arċisqof għal dawn il-laqgħat li fihom sema’ l-esperjenzi taż-żgħażagħ. Hu kompla jħeġġeġ il-ħidma fil-gruppi u sabiex il-leaders ma jitilfux it-tama quddiem l-isfidi tas-soċjetà tal-lum.

Two meetings with Mons. Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna