Laudato si’: risorse disponibili sul web
In questo sito EN ES FR IT PT puoi trovare una selezione ragionata di risorse disponibili sul web per meglio comprendere, applicare, comunicare l’enciclica Laudato Si’, di papa Francesco.
In collaborazione con il Dicastero per il servizio dello sviluppo umano integrale dal 1 gennaio 2017.
The online site EN ES FR IT PT provides a selection of web-based annotated resources to better understand, apply, and communicate Laudato si’.
In collaboration with the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development since 1 January 2017.
Jesuits and their partners throughout the world are invited to understand and share in the critical work of reconciliation and responding to ecological concerns (GC35 Decree 3). Ecology and Jesuits in Communication or Ecojesuit, initiated by the Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC) and the Jesuit Conference Asia Pacific (JCAP), is an online communication currently in Spanish, English, and French, open to all who share in this vision and action.
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