Asís: The Economy of Francesco

22-24 de septiembre de 2022 Testimonios de AC Italia, AC Argentina y Zak Malta

La Coordinación Jóvenes del FIAC sigue participando en La Economy of Francesco, cuyo comité organizador está presidido por monseñor Domenico Sorrentino.

Tras el encuentro de 2020 y los dos webinars organizados en 2021 (febrero y junio), representantes de AC Italia (Cosimo Spezio) AC Argentina (Maria Luz Chanampa) y AC Malta (Carlo del Buono y Leanne Bonello) estarán presentes en la edición de 2022 de la  Economy of Francesco, que se celebrará en Asís del 22 al 24 de septiembre.

Giuseppe Toniolo. A prophet economist

Testimonianza di Cosimo Spezio

Responsabile dell’area internazionale Azione Cattolica Italiana

Dal 22 al 24 settembre scorso si è svolto ad Assisi l’evento principale di Economy of Francesco. Finalmente, dopo 2 anni di incontri online, è arrivata l’occasione per rispondere in presenza alla chiamata di Papa Francesco a dare un’anima all’economia. Per rinnovare questo impegno, eravamo in più di 1000 giovani, economisti e change-makers provenienti da più di 100 paesi. Tra questi, non potevamo non esserci noi di Azione Cattolica, che tanto abbiamo a cuore il bene comune e da sempre siamo sensibili agli stimoli che la Chiesa ci fornisce sulla dottrina sociale… (continua)

Testimonianza di Maria Luz Chanampa

Administradora de empresas Responsable diocesana de la Comisión de Jóvenes Diócesis Avellaneda-Lanús Acción Católica Argentina

Luego de casi tres años de la carta de invitación del Santo Padre a jóvenes de buena voluntad inmersos en la economía, finalmente el encuentro presencial fue en Asís cómo estaba previsto en el 2020 donde se convocaron a investigadores, emprendedores y agentes de cambio. Los proyectos en cada villa temática y el pacto final estuvo rodeado de distintos expositores y testimonios de la realidad glocal.

El encuentro de Asís estuvo enmarcado por los proyectos que se venían trabajando a través de la virtualidad y que pudieron concretizarse en la exposición de workshops, conferencias y talleres… (más)

Crónica día a día de Zak Malta

Economy of Francesco – DAY1
“Sentinel, what of the night? Sentinel, what of the night?”
The sentinel says: “Morning comes, and also the night. If you will inquire, inquire; come back again.” (Is 21:11)
That’s how our first day at Economy of Francesco kicked off. A day enriched by sharing experiences, ideas and projects from youth coming from all around world and gathering in Assisi with the dream to change the economy where St. Francis changed himself and the Church.
Some keywords marked this day:
– BRIDGES, to be built between people, organizations and institutions that already work to make our planet more sustainable;
– PEACE, to be promoted between people;
– SEEDS, youth of Economy of Francesco are seeds of hope and they will be the ancestors to whom their children and grandchildren will look at;
– RESPONSIBILITY, which doesn’t mean only accountability but also care and it is the driver for change;
– FINALLY, because finally we are all in Assisi, in person, after two years of pandemic restrictions.
This was only day 1, we are looking forward for next days.
Economy of Francesco – Day2
The hands-on proposals of youth to change the economy arrived! But before starting to work, we had the opportunity to breath the spirituality of the places in Assisi, the same places where St. Francis and St. Claire lived and became changemakers of their lives and the lives of the others.
Split in thematic groups, so-called EoF villages, we had the opportunity to discuss and to share our ideas for a fairer, more equal and just economy that will be presented tomorrow to Pope Francis. Therefore, together with members of Catholic Action from Argentina and Italy, we presented in our villages the profile of blessed Giuseppe Toniolo, an economist from Catholic Action that pioneered the relationship between economics and ethics. We concluded the day with some inspiring workshops and we can finally get ready to meet Pope Francis tomorrow.

Yesterday was the final day at The Economy of Francesco – and what a day! One of the biggest highlights that of being visited by Pope Francis. Our day started early since we had to prepare for the arrival of the Pope were we watched him arrive and was first greeted by a number of children from around the world together with a number of organisers of the Economy of Francesco.

We had a meeting with him were a number of economists/activists from around the world including Thailand and Argentina, were invited to share their projects that are line with this new economy – The Economy of Francesco, an economy that will bring a change for a better future for us and for our children.

The meeting continued with an address by the Pope where he emphasized that we need to act NOW and he highlighted three main directions for the journey ahead after these three days.

These being to look at the world through the eyes of the poorest, to never forget work or workers – to create good work for all and lastly that together with our heart and head we also use our hands to change the economy.
#eof2022 #assisi #zak #proudZAKker #catholicaction #fiac #popefrancis

🔴1st streaming session — 🔴2nd streaming session
🔴3rd streaming session

22-24 de septiembre de 2022 Testimonios de AC Italia, AC Argentina y Zak Malta