Conferenza sulla Laudato si’: tutti siano custodi del creato •5-6 luglio 2018 Entre los participantes Antonio Martínez Santamaría (HOAC)
Conferenza sulla Laudato si’: tutti siano custodi del creato
Card Parolin: ‘Everything, for Pope Francis, is interconnected’
We invite you to watch the livestreaming of the conference, held during the day at Central European Time, at
Share any insights on social media. Our social media toolkit is found here, and tweets with #LaudatoSi18 will be featured on the conference website.
Entre los participantes Antonio Martínez Santamaría, miembro de la HOAC (Espana) en nombre del Movimiento Mundial de Trabajadores Cristianos.
This week, the Vatican has convened a summit of ecological leaders, including youth leaders, indigenous peoples, and Catholic organizations from around the world to look at what has happened since Laudato Si’, and what we still need to do to spread the messaage. The summit kicked off yesterday with a panel of youth leaders, and descriptions of the current ecological crisis and our possibilities for action.
Laudato si’ nella vita e nella missione dell’Azione Cattolica
- wps_subtitle:
- Entre los participantes Antonio Martínez Santamaría (HOAC)
- pl_view_post:
- 525